Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
fun+tired day
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
hair cut.. T.T
Monday, June 14, 2010
home sweet home
Sunday, June 13, 2010
muvee ♥
Friday, June 11, 2010
physic extra class
It started at 8.20 a.m..so i wake up at 7.45a.m..~
very lazy to wake up early in the morning..
8.15a.m..my aunt come and fetch me..i asked yonn wether she is going..
u know what she say ? she says " NO.."..omg..that time was so angry~
luckily ting and charissa is going~.. =)
when i reached school..i ask ting come out and bring me in..coz alone ma..hehe..
she came out from physic lab and shout so loud.." jie !! "
hahaha..miss her lottss..~ hehe..
today's class was an extra class for 5pintar and 5murni..
when i walk in to the lab..full of students inside the lab..
theres no place for me to sit..luckily i saw a place beside wee jan..
then ting come and sit with me too..^^..
All doing peka..but i dunno what to do also..
the class was SO NOISY..*normal wan la*
suddenly.. 5m's monitor shouted loudly..
coz we were too noisy that time..
adui..shout for what la..no use d la~
we got 10 mins break after 2 hours..
went to the toilet..then take pic lo..hahaha..
after 10min..went back to the lab again~ *boring*
really beh tahan that time..time pass so damn slow..feel very tired that time..
keep chit chat with ting..hahaha..
12.30p.m !! yeah !! go home lo !! hahaha..happy..
at the begining..i promise them i will go green box with them..
but then my father called me..im so scared he will call the second time and ask me where am i..
so........i decided not to go~~~~ sorrry...
after that yonn come and fetch me..me and suetvoon went to tarot to have our brunch..
have my honey fresh milk again..! *nice*
brandon come and join us too~
3.30p.m brandon went to jusco to join them..
while me and suetvoon waiting for her mum to send us home~
4 soemthing..her mum came..and send me home~
very very tired today..reach home watch movie till 5 something then sleep !
sleep till 8.30..geng hor?! too tired la..~ no point..
*Firstly..thanks brandon for the pooh !! i love it so much..she has her own name ady..
call munbe..combination of me and tings name..waimun and coebe..hehhe..

*Secondly..i need to say sorry to all my dear fren's for not going to jusco with u all..
sorry sorry..promise u all with go with u all next time..FOR SURE !
Thursday, June 10, 2010
my life very boring rite..hahaha..almost everyday got tuition~haiz..
after tuition not decide to go out~wanna stay at home d~
but hor..suet voon help me plan dao so nice wor..hahaha..
and hor..long time no go out together jor..
then go lo~
hahaha..actually wan to come collect something only~after that walk walk xia~ walk dao momoe shop ady..hahaha..then go in look for some shirts lo~ hehehe..three of us bought the same shirt and wear it together..hahaha..

then went to mcD lo~

suddenly..ah lo ask me go take sumthing from him wor..for my sis d..~ necklace..quite nice wan..haha..
after that~ went to yonn's house~ chat with voon and yonn lo..then play play..snow found yonn's congkak..then we play together lo..hahaha..so sampat d ma~
after that..too sien jor..take pic lo..hahahahaha..so fun d leh~~~ take so many sampat pic..

7 something..went to galena's pasar malam..park the car..then go walk lo~ firstly..we went to the fatty steamboat there..coz wan let wen wen try the " duck's tongue "..haha..very nice d leh~hehehe..after that we go have out dinner-ASAM LAKSA..hahaha..nice nice~ but hor..to me hor..quite spicy d leh..yonn saw no rasa wa..haha..after that ck and meng join us..~ francis too..walk till 9 sumthing..go home lo..that wen wen a~ bising bising say wan go tarot wa..she say she belanja..hahahaha..good good~ yonn fast fast go~ i miss my ♥ honey fresh milk ! *nice !*..yonn dunno drink what..that 2 sampat po a~ go there online..sien d la~ sui po.. ! go home at 10..yonn send me home~
3 of us hor..reach my house gate jor still wan take pic..hahaha !! so funny d la~all those pic very geng d leh..very UGLY d~
happy going out with my ♥babe yonn and ♥babe wenwen..muackzz..~!! i love u..