Thursday, July 29, 2010
unlucky day
Today..took my physic bored man~ 2.30 hours..70 questions..
so hard..dont know how to answer it..though that I can sleep after finish answering it..
but..we're having that quiz at bilik kuliah..all those chairs cant sleep wan..sit there for 2.30 hours..
kelian..hahaha..after recess..having our english period..she giving back our test paper..
get very bad result..but i like what she told me..she said " I believe u can do it harder.." I feel quite happy when i heard this..hehehe ! makes me feel better..
When maths period..she was so crazy..she punish us ! coz....cant say..muahaha..
the most funny thing is..she shouted and say.."今天我不罚你们我不姓范!!.."
then..the punishment is..stand under the damn hot~
Today is my first driving lesson ! hehehe..happy..
Friday, July 23, 2010
My dear shayne
Gonna meet my dear baby shayne tomorrow !! so excited !
i will spend my time with her happily..just can be with her for 3 days..
after that she's going back to sarawak..haizzz...
looking foward for tomorrow.. =)
Yesterday..get my trail timetable..oh my god..the time was so full..!!
24 more dayss !! arrrggghh !! study study study !!! force myself everyday..
To all my dear frenzz :
jiayou arr !! hope u all get good results in ur trail..mwahh !! =)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
See Wei's birthday + last day for july test
woohoo~ finish our july test today..hehehe..but july test only la..
trail is around the corner..haiz..need to study dy..
Today was see wei's birthday ! hehe..nothing special la..
just..whole class sang her a birthday song..then teacher start teaching dy..act not teach la..
she just ask us to write essay..hehe..after kelas tambahan for BC..we should have our BI class..
but then..the teacher went home dy..hahaha..! happy lo..all so excited..
inez..jane..angela come join us too..coz no teacher ma..quite fun..
Errmm..bcoz of chuin sern ! I get punish by teacher..coz i talk to innocent..
just answer him only ma..huiyo..when i stand up..all those stupid behind me..keep say my butt..==..sampat or song tim~ hahaha..still got many funny things happen today la..
before school ends..we took some pic with see wei..hehe..
trail is around the corner..haiz..need to study dy..
Today was see wei's birthday ! hehe..nothing special la..
just..whole class sang her a birthday song..then teacher start teaching dy..act not teach la..
she just ask us to write essay..hehe..after kelas tambahan for BC..we should have our BI class..
but then..the teacher went home dy..hahaha..! happy lo..all so excited..
inez..jane..angela come join us too..coz no teacher ma..quite fun..
Errmm..bcoz of chuin sern ! I get punish by teacher..coz i talk to innocent..
just answer him only ma..huiyo..when i stand up..all those stupid behind me..keep say my butt..==..sampat or song tim~ hahaha..still got many funny things happen today la..
before school ends..we took some pic with see wei..hehe..
Friday, July 16, 2010
Cartoon Family
waimun - Pooh
Yeyeko - Minnie
Kelly - Piglet
PuiLing - Donald
HuiQi - Daisy
WaiHoe - Mickey
WeiBeng - Ben10
JiePeng - Jack
Kevin - SpongeBob
hahaha..happy family..mwackkzz !!
BOring friday
Since Pn.Chung leave Chan Wa..for us..every friday will be the most boring day..almost all periods are free..nothing to do..just sit there..chit chat with frenn..hmmppp..wasting our time larr...
luckily we bring along our tuition homework =)..
Early in the morning..get shoot by teacher..say we didnt finished our homework..==...teacher..not enough time larr..but..she didnt listen to us..*sudah biasa*..
She LOVES to do something that wasting her that she dun need to teach..hahha..
she send us down..and tell Cik teo we didnt finish our homework..know what cik teo says ?
she ask us to bring down our homework and do it infront of the's quite embarassing..coz..form 5 of students went to the canteen..including me =)..
coz canteen got fan and it's much comfortable doing homework there..hehehe..
After BI period..we went up again..sit something..i forgoten what i did..
do the same thing till the school end..
went for injection today..hepetitis B..huh..quite pain~ but nvm la..little while only..
went fold my star star..
suddenly received yonn's msg ---> " 你到了吗? "
i replied ---> " 铪???? "
then she called me..thennn...we decided not to go for tuition..actually we ady discuss at school larr...adui..
She say she come fetch me..go maybank..coz wan bank in money to someone..after that..went to check for something..4.00 p.m. only..then yonn say mau makan ice wor..
went to 100 yen man~ nice nice..this time i chooose milk+choco flavour..yonn choose mango flavour..hahaa..after finish..balik rumah~ hahahaha..
cham lo~ make Chun Tat angry jor..takut him ?
Thursday, July 15, 2010
My " lucky " day...
Muahahahaha..I'm so lucky this also kena..
" Tahniah ! 93052712xxxx terpilih menyertai PLKN siri 8/2011. "..receive this message after recess..dunno what expression should i giv..dunno why like no rasa..just biasa..
PLKN !! i kena jor...huiyooo...luckily I ady prepared to get choosen.. jie say its quite fun..
I wish to go in before i get choosen..cause yonn say she will go with me..but now..must think first..hehehe..not just me kena..
still got :
- Charissa
- Coebe
- Lee kuan
- Inez
- Jane
- ah yang
- jordan
- hong wei
- JInyi
- Say Hong
hahahahaha..hope we can be in the same kem and same place ! weeehheeee...^^..
waimun..u gila kah ? ppl kena PLKN sad u kena like so happy..???! *i also dont know why =) *
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
shit u !!! scold me ?!! Oh gosh ! you dun have that qualification to scold me..I will return it back to you tomorrow ! What kind of family member i have ?! scold me ? and wont talk nicely to me ?
I'm used to WONT talk nicely to others too..not just me..when we was young..we were so scare when u talk to us..i'm wondering what makes us have this fear~
Now..I knew's because how u treat other ppl..i wont respect you..coz u dun respect reminds me that uncle paul was the most caring uncle..he treat us very good..although he is not here now..but i DO respect him much !! You wan my respect ?! Respect me then ! i will respect you too..but i think i have no chance to respect you..coz i believe that you wont change..i dont care..coz i dun consider u as one of my family member..coz my fanily members are caring person..they will pay respect to each other..
I love my family !! =)
know why i use the name for my title ? muahahaa..nice name for him..yin hor ?
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Marathon + FIFA final
Marathon !! germany and uruguay d match till 4a.m..then go sleep..coz 5.30 need to wake up..
when im bro called me..ask me to open the door for him..know what time is it ? 5 o clock in the morning eehh ! mr..i dun need sleep ady lor ?! huiyo..go down open the dooor for him lo..lie on the bed for half an hour..didnt sleep..then wake up ady..haiz...sleep 1 hour only..kelian..
Get ready for marathon..wake my sis up..she was so slow ! be away from home at6.20a.m..
its late ! reached there at 6.30..wah..the road has been we need to walk there..after register went to a&w to meet them..put sun block..haha..
the boys run first..but then we follow we could be faster..
At with yonn..she ar ! so damn fast d lo..then give up..dunwan run with her..Second..with inez and funny d ma..walk walk xia then hold hand run together..saw charissa..then i walk with her year d marathon me and u again..5 years dy lo..hehehhee..this year we finished at 9a.m ! good..improve dy..hahahahaha..
After that went to a&w to meet them again..all of us was so exhausted..wanted to go for breakfast at a&w..but no place to we change to parkson..mcD..but yonn didnt join us..she need to go hospital..coz derry is in the hospital..hope u get well soon ya =)..
when we reached mcD..walau ehh..was so crowd..full of people..haiz..change place again..
pizza hut..finnally..there's a place for us..! hahaha..u sit there for almost half an hour ! but no one come and take order ! omg..cant wait..leave that stupid place and went back to mcD..
went home at 12..reached home straight go bathe and get into my bed ! sleep !!!
wake up at 2.50..coz tuition..T.T..damn tired..
FIFA !! FINAL !! hahahaha..
Spain vs Netherland..2.30 a.m..
This is one of the reason why i didnt go to school..coz sleep at 5.30 this morning..
Spain won..!! but those who buy Spain lose money..hahahaha..
netherland sucks la ! kick ppl more kicking the ball..cheat d lar ! least Spain be the world champion !
yeah yeah yeah !!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Puah's birthday
Early in the morning..kacau by someone..make me cant sleep..
cont sleep at 7 something..sleep till 11 something..popo come kacau again..adui..~
ask us dun sleep till so late..tired lehh..haizzz...nvm..wake up then...
Bangun pagi..gosok gigi..cuci muka..pergi mandi..~ hahaha..
had my breakfast..then start doing edmund's seni art not very gud d need use more time to finish it..kesian betull..
after 4 hours..i just complete 5 pages..cant tahan ady..haha..go online..
First..i though yonn will come and fetch me to puah's house..but she say satu east satu west..haha..k lo..then ask yao loong..he say he reach mbo ady..after movie they go jusco by bus..cham lo..still got who ? ask wee jan lo..know what he say ? he say he is at sim mun house how how ? luckily still got someone can fetch me there..angela lo..
she say come fetch me then together go jusco buy gift for puah wor..ok lo~
7 p.m something..go out lorr...hehehe..
when we reach jusco..we saw ngam hor..she also waiting for yonn..
then 3 of us go buy puah's present lo..
yonn fetch us at jusco to puah's house..
when we reached there..walau.........first time saw someone's birthday party was so silent...
door closed lights..geng~
we're the lastest again !! hahaha..biasa la..reach there at 8p.m..
makan lo~ steamboat..
habis makan..take pic..chit chat everywhere..cut cakes..
after that..start our game..TRUE OR comment for this game..
a new name for inez --> oak gai na..( in cantonese )..know why ? coz she betull looks like garang..!! hahahaha..
still ok larrr today...~ not bosan..not very shuang..
most of them go back early..10 something all go home..first time juga..~

Friday, July 9, 2010
Day with soo fei
Wake up late today morning..coz going to school by kae xin's car..
they go to school i can sleep late.. =)..*good*
reached school on time..not counted as late..muahaha..
early in the morning let me saw edmund's funny face.. funny d la him..dunno why~
then chat with my yonn and sa..
went up class..
today Pn. Waytha dunno why so good..didnt copy her exercise she also wont scold..haha..
After two period of english..IM FREE TODAY ! all period no use ady..
whole day on facebook using phone..u can see most of them online too !
all naughty ar..haha..
we can online for free..just only for facebook..need to thanks for DIGI !!
after school..stay back at school with charissa..coz 3 p.m still got my physic tuition..
so not decided to go home..
2 something..ah bing da bao milo ais for nice drinking a cold drink under a hot sun..
watch football match..todays match - I.M.B.A vs WAWA..
WAWA win this match !! good..
2:45 p.m. yonn come fetch me and charissa go makan..after makan..send charissa home..
then go tuition~
Reached home at 5.30 p.m after tuition~decided to take a short nap..just a very short nap..
coz im very sleepy ~
but u know what ? My cousin and my sister say they wanted to go to FC..what the..
i just reached home quickly go take my shower..
pack my things..then go FC..
wanted to go FC earlier coz think dao edmund and ah yang at there fast fast go lo~
when i reach..they just leave..adui..
luckily feifei say she on the way..hahaha..
since me and feifei not fc we use edmund and yang's id..
when we using.. huh ?! ask them lo..
then only they told us that they still got time..ask us to use their we use lor ~
9 something..went to tarot cafe for dinner !
happy !! coz cant drink my love one ! HONEY FRESH MILK ! i like it.. =)
after dinner..went to fc again..
11 something..ah yong say can send me home..but that time i still dun wan to go home..coz still chatting with they say they go yamcha sin lor~
when we say we want to go back..they say they yamcha-ing..ask us join..
ok lor ~ join lor..
They come fetch us..when we reach gan ga~
coz tak kenal..until now i only know their call call dunno what shui..and the other 2 i cant remember..hehe..
they are quiet friendly..AND..very very funny.. =)
happy to meet you all..
2.30 a.m..yong's fren , Brandon send me and feifei home..
haha..thank you so much !
promise them will send them back when i get my license ! hahahaha.. quiet tired now..but dunno why i still wanted to post this out..
hehee..mayb the reason is coz i likes to write down everything that happen in my life..!
I know my english is quite rojak..but im still ok with that..coz i just wan to write down my things..
hehehe..but i love u all to correct me when im wrong..! i will accept it and learn from the wrong one..
Today my BIBI not with me ady ~ borrow ah bing for one week ! uhhh !
miss my BIBI so much ! bcoz of my BIBI..ah bing get flue ady..hahaha..he say bcoz of it's bulu..
haha..good ! then u can giv me back within one week ! wahahahhaa..
nvm..i still got my munbe and my baby ! hehe !
going for Terrence Puah's bday tomorrrow.. =)
goodnite all ! mwah ! =)
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Pn. Chung - My class teacher

Today Pn. Chung will be leaving our school..
she is going to teach form 6 students at st paul..
she is a very good and responsibility teacher..
she is going to teach form 6 students at st paul..
she is a very good and responsibility teacher..
Although she always scold us..but she care bout us..
she scold us because she wants us to be good..
but sometimes..
we makes her cry..
we makes her dissapointed..
we makes her sad..
sorry about that..
u always ask me to cut my hair..
but i always didnt listen to u..sorry..
sorry for all the things that i done that makes u not happy..
wish u good luck and all the best in teaching ur form 6..!
we will always remember u ! we love u !
I promise u..i will try my best in my physic subject !
Monday, July 5, 2010
wake up wake up !
woo wai mun !!
put more effort on ur studies please !! dun always hanging around wasting ur time !!
u dun hav any time for u to waste anymore !!
decrease the amount of going out and increase the amount of studying !!
My dear friends !! u all must jia you too !!
we all jia you together !! =)
3th July - Yew San's bday

long time didnt updated my blog dy..hahaha..
Today's topic is..
Yewsan's birthday..
celebrated his bday on last hawaii..
many ppl cant attend his birthday..dunno why~
luckily still got some of them going..if not nobody help him celebrate..hehe..
me and yonn reach there at 8.30..
they started ar 7.30..
geng hor ? hahaa..mesti biasa la~ this is me..ting..and yonn's trait.. =)
Fifa tonight..muahahahaa...most of them bet on argentina..
but me and yonn choose germany !! wahahaha..
the results is....
GERMANY WON ! 4-0..woohoo~~
went home at 12 something..~ damn tired..daddy come fetch us home~
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