but we finish arranging all the stocks. so we get our off time. hehhee.
Actually. My plan for today was go to the dentist , watch
movie , dye hair , then pasar malam with airong. but everything changed. My Dar tong xiao at fc last nite. but not whole nite staying at fc la. he go yamcha with all his frens. so kelian la me. wanted to go with them. but cant. T.T haizzz.
Early in the morning , around 10. He came to my house. coz he need to sleep. I sleep till 1.30 and he sleep till 3.15 !! gila la him !! forgive him la. coz he really very tired.
Wanted to ask airong come for movie. but that pig keep sleep sleep sleep. so I takut suddenly ffk.
so didnt call her out. I wake that pig up so so so so so many times but he still duwan to wake up.
Its quite hard to wake him up. I say i send him home so that he can continue sleep. but he dont want. He want to accom me for movie. so touch la. at last , i let him go.
We bought " Great day " ! hehehe.

after we bought our ticket. we went to station 1 for our breakfast + lunch.
Im so so so hungry that time. hahahha. after that. went for our movie !!
So cold inside the cinema ! somemore there are lots of mosquitoes inside.
After movie , send my dar home and i need to rush back. coz mum cooked.
she wants us to get back home for dinneerrrr..
No one at home and no key for him to get into the house. so send him back to fc again.
coz no place for him dy. so he's force to go there. on the way to fc from his house.
He slept again ! Can know that he really really very tired. He's not willing to get down from my car although its already reach. haizzz. xintong c him like that.
At night , went to see doc. Not sick. but my backbone.
haizzz. this makes me suffer for few years. went for so many different doctor.
but still not recover yet. today mummy bring me to another doctor again.
so pain la !! hope this time will be better lo~
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