quickly change to another room..then continue sleep..hehe..
suddenly wanyin sms me and say tuition change to 1p.m..
omg..luckily mum cuming back tat time..if not nobody gonna fetch me..
12 something they reach here and bring us out for breakfast..went to ming kok to have dim sum with my grandfather..grandma..bro sis and mum..didnt saw my lovely bro for 2 weeks ady..miss him so so so much..fat ady a him..hahahaha~went to tuition at 1 o clock..when i reached teacher's house..didnt saw yonn's car..then call her lo..she say she just wake up wa..~~ pig po !! haha..
today tuition with ck o..stupid d la him..teacher's son so cute d leh..keep say " good morning jie jie " hahaha..then scold ck somemore..so funny..2.30 finished tuition le lo..go fc fetch bro and sis then straight go cousin's house dy..coz mum say kaofu come back from bangkok ady wor..ask us go see him..ok lo..~~
Reach Joey's house at 3 something..miss her so much d la..always promise me come seremban but didnt come d..this thursday u didnt come then i kill u !!..after that chat with her lo..long time didnt chat with her ady..hehe..we get crazy suddenly..keeep take pic for non stop..use many funny effects..laugh sei me..~ let u all see some la..hahaha..

so damn ugly..

6 something went out to have dinner with family..so full..after eating..mum bring me go massage..coz my back and my neck damn pain..wah..so shuang..~ haha ..
after masssage..go to aunt's houseto wait for my popo to send us home lo..popo 11 something only come..reach home at 12.30 something..fast fast go bathe then sleep lo..~ !
4 more days to go..~ ^^..
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