today account dokument imbang leh !!
but hor..wrong d..hehehe..
nvm..luckily still know how to do SOME..haha..
sivik lebih geng..first saw that paper ady feel like wanna sleep..
after school go tuition..
tuition with ck..yonn..wan yin..
but hor..teacher dun let us tuition together and the same room..
me and yonn one and wan yin one room..
haha..then hor..that stupid teacher hor..tot me and ck couple wa..
keep say ck is my boy..walau..~ sampat d him..
till now also my boy my boy..what also my boy..sot dy..~
after tuition wait for my mum to fetch me lo..~ coz she say she cumin back ma..
wait for her at momo's shop with ck lo..
chat with them lo..
one hour something mum come ady..~
go home lo..mum da bao mcD for us..long time no eat ady..haha..
coz we dun wan follow them go eat " ikan bakar "..not nice also..~
after they finish their dinner..mum bring me go take the bbq things from ah lo's house lo..
then buy things..~ go home again...~
start to clean up my room..
didnt clean my room for 2 or 3 weeks dy..hehehe..
clean clean clean for almost 1 hour..
go bathe..
physic exam a !! tomorrow a !! scare a !!
study lo..but can't memorize..haizzzz..~
will try my best la..~
looking foward for tomorrow's party..yeehee.. !
( just received my mum's sweet wishing message..^^..hehe..thanks mum..~ )
2 more days..^^..
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